Roxbury/Byron Maine
IMPORTANT UPDATE: At our March 3rd meeting we will hold our officer elections. At that time the President, Trailmaster, and Secretary have decided it’s time to step down. These positions will need to be filled in order for the club to still operate. Please come to the meeting if you’re interested in fulfilling any of these positions. It’s a great opportunity to give back to your community and the sport you love
Meeting dates for the 2024-2025 season. All meetings will be at the Byron town office 1 Byron village Road, Byron ME 04275 at 6pm
Includes membership to the MSA
If you’re a member of another club but want to help support us to
Supporting businesses will be featured in the MSA paper and our website. Please add your Facebook page/website to the notes
Donations are not required but are greatly appreciated. Donations are used towards trail maintenance and groomer maintenance that don’t get funded through the state